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Safe Hands, Thinking Minds

Resources and learning materials from Dr. Karen Treisman.

Hand breathing

A video by Dr Karen Treisman introducing a brief breathing exercise called “hand breathing”. It can be used for children and for adults.

Sensory Box

Sensory Box

Muscle Tensing and Relaxing

A video by Dr Karen Treisman introducing a brief tension releasing exercise of tensing and relaxing one’s muscles. Suitable and adaptable for children and adults.

Shark Infested Waters

Dr Karen Treisman discussing her shark infested waters metaphor which brings to life some common survival and coping strategies such as fight, flight, and freeze.

Travelling Back to a Positive Moment

Travelling Back to a Positive Moment

Rhythm and Butterfly Hugs

A video by Dr Karen Treisman introducing how rhythm can be used to help to change one’s regulation and arousal. Also, this introduces the butterfly hug move which activates both the left and right side of one’s brain. Suitable and adaptable for children and adults.

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